We're proud to be an AGCA Breeder of Merit, as part of the conservation effort aimed at preserving this ancient landrace breed. We raise our Gamprs underfoot, mimicking the nomadic shepherds, with love and positive reinforcement, to grow successful, loyal partners.
Want more information on being a Gampr owner?
Please review our puppy contract and the AGCA Code of Ethics to ensure we meet your needs as a breeder. If you'd like more info, have questions, or inquire about availability please message us. We look forward to sharing our love for the breed with you.
What is a Gampr?
The Armenian Gampr is an ancient livestock guardian dog from the gorgeous mountains of Armenia. They are fiercely loyal, courageous, and highly intelligent. They long to form a strong bond with their family and flock and will defend them with their life against danger.
Gamprs are a majestic landrace with a history as rich and complex as the land from which it hails. For centuries, these powerful guardians have protected shepherds and flocks with unwavering loyalty and courage.
Sose is a very important import from Armenia and this is her second litter. Following the birth of her first litter, she developed an infection, but bounced back quickly. We almost had her altered but wanted to give her time to get back to pre-pregnancy/infection condition first. During this time, we had many conversations with the repro vet who assured us the likelihood of this happening again was no different than for any other female who'd never had it. This was amazing news!
To prevent unnecessary strain due to her age quickly climbing, our team decided to go ahead with planning this litter. We are so thankful for the contribution of her rare lineage to the gene pool and equally surprised that she had so many puppies!! Her beautiful litter of 7 boys and 5 girls were born on June 19, 2024. Most of her litter was reserved prior to birth, but reach out to us to discuss availability. Our email is or contact us here.
Shushi is an imported Armenian Gampr from a nomadic shepherd in Armenia. She has a larger size build, weighing around 138 pounds, and has a beautiful western type head and structure. Fully health tested with excellent results. She'll be paired with a male for maximum genetic diversity and complimentary traits. Reservations are available but limited. Contact us to inquire about getting on the waiting list.
Our family has helped many across the US & Canada become Gampr owners by assisting direct imports, through pups born on our farm, and through our sponsorship of imported litters. We're dedicated to breed conservation, raising breed awareness, and mentoring future owners.
Our Pups
Each pin on the map represents a pup born to our adults, from multiple sets of parents, from different genetic lines. Each pin also represents years of planning, waiting, training, dedication, mentoring of new homes, and gaining new friends. We adore our Gampr family!
The first priority of our breeding plan is genetic diversity. We pair females with different genetic lines to prevent from overwhelming the gene pool with repeated, cookie cutter genetics. These different pairings and limited breeding prevent popular sire syndrome, which would cause our small gene pool to collapse. Once a parent has a number of puppies to carry forward their lineage in a healthy manner, the adult is retired from breeding.
Our adult Gamprs have been raised underfoot, loved immensely, and fully trained as invaluable livestock guardians. Some of our beloved retired crew have moved on to help friends' farms who were in need of a fully trained, ready to work, LGD.
Georgia, Rocan Horse Farm
South MS, Lily Pond Acres
Washington State
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